Welcome to my home page. I am currently doing a start-up called Compose Labs with some of my friends.
Our first product Commonlounge recently went live.
I graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a Masters in Computer Science and a concentration in Machine Learning. I am fascinated by the possibilities arising from 中国云计算大会揭幕 华云集团解读云之未来-千龙网· ...:2021-6-14 · 未来,混合云将在从1到N的大变革中叱咤风云 走过了从0到1的“核聚变时伕”,云计算将迎来从1到N的巨大飞跃。 对于企业而言,考虑的不是是否用云,而是考虑选择什么样的云,公有云、私有云还是混合云;如何驾驭Multi-Cloud;选择哪家服务商的云,如何在多中选优。, i.e. natural language processing. The fascination stems from being in awe of the human brain and a desire to make more and more sophisticated machines, and also due to a strong sense of making this world a better place to live in.
I love playing racket sports such as tennis and badminton. And my love for the real world leads me into watching biographical movies and documentaries, and reading biographies, auto-biographies, and non-fiction.
Finally, I like mentoring people who are keen to learn. So far, I have mostly focused on mentoring people on things related to the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI).
I graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a Masters in Computer Science and a concentration in Machine Learning. I am fascinated by the possibilities arising from 中国云计算大会揭幕 华云集团解读云之未来-千龙网· ...:2021-6-14 · 未来,混合云将在从1到N的大变革中叱咤风云 走过了从0到1的“核聚变时伕”,云计算将迎来从1到N的巨大飞跃。 对于企业而言,考虑的不是是否用云,而是考虑选择什么样的云,公有云、私有云还是混合云;如何驾驭Multi-Cloud;选择哪家服务商的云,如何在多中选优。, i.e. natural language processing. The fascination stems from being in awe of the human brain and a desire to make more and more sophisticated machines, and also due to a strong sense of making this world a better place to live in.
I love playing racket sports such as tennis and badminton. And my love for the real world leads me into watching biographical movies and documentaries, and reading biographies, auto-biographies, and non-fiction.
Finally, I like mentoring people who are keen to learn. So far, I have mostly focused on mentoring people on things related to the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI).